"Practice Plan" For Coaches

Practice Plan is designed to provide an affordable way for players to practice effectively by bundling a "free" LVPro with a private lesson package. If you are interested in offering this to your students, please fill out the contact request form below to be notified as soon as the program launches.

Benefits to Coaches

  • Improve Student Performance with Active Feedback
  • Reliable Monthly Revenue (billed automatically through LVS)
  • Add Value for Students.($369 MSRP)
  • Student Subscription

    Practice Plan is a monthly subscription for students that pays the coach monthly based on the number of students on their plan. The plan is designed to pass most of the subscription revenue to the coach, less certain fees to cover the cost of the LVPro and financial administration of the program

  • Coach Responsibility

    Under Practice Plan, it is the hosting coach's responsibility to provide instruction either in person or remotely. The scope of instruction can be set by the coach and priced accordingly. Students communicate directly with the coaches.

  • Free LVPro

    LVS will ship a LVPro camera to new students subscribing to a Practice Plan. The camera is available for the duration of the subscription and needs to be returned at the end of the plan. There are buy out options available to the student if they choose to.

Benefits to Students

  • Accelerate Learning (Active Feedback)
  • Increase Satisfaction (Independence and Control)
  • Simplify communication with Coach (easy videos).
  • "Free" LVPro ($369 MSRP)
  • Option 1: Standard Lesson 

    You may choose to price the Practice Plan the same as a regular lesson.

    • The Practice Plan takes the place of one regular lesson
    • Unused lessons don't carry forward.
    • LVPro provides value in months that students don't attend in person.
  • Option 2: Online Only

    Online only lessons . After initial consultation students submit one swing per month for analysis.

    • Video Submitted from LVPro.
    • You may choose to limit the number of interactions based on fee structure.
  • Option 3:Lesson Supplement

    Alternatively you may treat this as a teaching supplement.

    • You may engage remotely via email or text
    • Advice based on LVPro video submitted by student.
  • Fees

    To cover the cost of the equipment, LVS deducts $20 per Practice Plan per month. LVS also deducts a 5% fee to cover the financial cost of credit card processing through LVS.

Notify Me When Practice Plan Launches

Coach Practice Plan Signup

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